Majick is your heart Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch Majick is your soul Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch Majick is your truth Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch Majick is you

Cher’s goal is to give the loved one an intimate evidential, transformational experience with spirit.

Cher also specialises as an International Forensic Psychic Medium & is Certified as an International Forensic Psychic Investigator (LWISSD 2022). She has connected with Spirit from birth and has been a professional International Psychic Medium for over 20 years.

Her goal is to express intricate details about their life and loved ones life to bring love, truth, closure, healing, hope, bravery, passion for life.

And in sharing these gifts with all open heartedly she believes everyone is innately psychic and able to touch spirit.

Urgent Psychic Mediumship 15 Minute Readings 

Urgent 15 Minute Readings $150.00

The spirits are always watching, and when your questions become urgent.

I understand that life’s energies can shift unexpectedly, and I am here to help guide you through your urgent needs when they arise.

(Please note that urgent readings are only available through Telephone, WhatsApp, or Text Message.)

Individual 15 Minute Readings

15 Minutes Reading $75

15 Minute Reading to honor your path. A little Majickal psychic mediumship reading and connection to spirit for those needing guidance or clarity on the immediate path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Individual 25 Minute Readings

25 Minutes Reading $120

A little bit of Majick in an Individual 25 minute Reading to honor your path. A little Majickal psychic reading and connection to spirit.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Individual Reading

45 Minute Reading $150

My Majick is ancient mediumship, Individual Reading are one on one intimate, Majickal sessions, offering full immersion into spirit and connection to loved ones. I specialize in creating Majick in your life that will give you the truth right now that transforms your realm and create Majick. Awakening the Majick of you.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

Psychic Reading 45 Minutes

45 Minute Reading $150.00

A Majickal journey in a 45 minute Psychic Reading to honor your path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Psychic Readings

25 Minute Reading $120

A little bit of Majick in a Psychic Reading to honor your path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

Urgent Psychic Mediumship 15 Minute Readings 

Urgent 15 Minute Readings $150.00

The spirits are always watching, and when your questions become urgent.

I understand that life’s energies can shift unexpectedly, and I am here to help guide you through your urgent needs when they arise.

(Please note that urgent readings are only available through Telephone, WhatsApp, or Text Message.)

Individual 15 Minute Readings

15 Minutes Reading $75

15 Minute Reading to honor your path. A little Majickal psychic mediumship reading and connection to spirit for those needing guidance or clarity on the immediate path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Individual 25 Minute Readings

25 Minutes Reading $120

A little bit of Majick in an Individual 25 minute Reading to honor your path. A little Majickal psychic reading and connection to spirit.

.( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

Individual Readings

45 Minute Reading $150

My Majick is ancient mediumship, Individual Readings are one on one intimate, Majickal sessions, offering full immersion into spirit and connection to loved ones. I specialize in creating Majick in your life that will give you the truth right now that transforms your world and create Majick. Awakening the Majick of you.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

Psychic Reading 45 Minutes

45 Minute Reading $150.00

A Majickal journey in a 45 minute Psychic Reading to honor your path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Psychic Readings

25 Minute Reading $120

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

A little bit of Majick in a Psychic Reading to honor your path.

Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions

Urgent Psychic Mediumship 15 Minute Readings 

Urgent 15 Minute Readings $150.00

The spirits are always watching, and when your questions become urgent.

I understand that life’s energies can shift unexpectedly, and I am here to help guide you through your urgent needs when they arise.

(Please note that urgent readings are only available through Telephone, WhatsApp, or Text Message.)

Individual 15 Minute Readings

15 Minutes Reading $75

15 Minute Reading to honor your path. A little Majickal psychic mediumship reading and connection to spirit for those needing guidance or clarity on the immediate path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Individual 25 Minute Readings

25 Minutes Reading $120.00

A little bit of Majick in an Individual 25 minute Reading to honor your path. A little Majickal psychic reading and connection to spirit.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Individual Readings

45 Minute Readings $150

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

My Majick is ancient mediumship, Individual readings are one on one intimate, Majickal sessions, offering full immersion into spirit and connection to loved ones. I specialize in creating Majick in your life that will give you the truth right now that transforms your world and create Majick. Awakening the Majick of you.

Psychic Reading 45 Minutes

45 Minute Reading $150.00

A Majickal journey in a 45 minute Psychic Reading to honour your path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Facetime, Whats App, Phone)

Psychic Readings

25 Minute Reading $120

A little bit of Majick in a Psychic Reading to honor your path.

( Readings available via Zoom, Messenger, Face time, Whats App, Phone)

Terms & Conditions