Majick is your heart Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch Majick is your soul Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch Majick is your truth Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch Majick is you


Cher is not only a psychic medium, she is one of those rare women who has known her purpose from the time she was four years old. As with all healers, she has gone through initiations in this life, some of which many would not have survived, let alone used those very experiences to propel her truest inner magic to be liberated fully.

A session with Cher is magic . She sees things about your life that she could not possibly know. She sees the patterns that have led you to this moment, and also sees the ways to enhance your life to heal from trauma, and to raise your vibration to live your best life. The spiritual world communicates with her easily, and vice versa, and from this, you are given insight and glimpses into your best life, should you choose to own your inner strength and power and be true to yourself.

I believe that when you receive a glimpse of your true potential, it fuels your inner fire to finally make those changes she urges you to make. You are not left without direction though, since there are often specific healing rituals Cher passes onto you, for you to carry out in your own time and space.

In a world of imposters and money grabbers, Cher is the authentic witch she portrays, inside and out, and speaks the divine truth. As a healer myself, I immediately felt the clarity of her energy, the lightness of her spirit and her absolute truth that is non negotiable at all times.

Carmelle x

My visit to the amazingly warm and beautiful Cher was simply memorable. She was accurate in her reading as she mentioned events from my past that have occurred. She knew small things no one could have known, small enough to be insignificant but big enough for me to know that she is genuine. She was gentle and warm throughout the reading. I walked away with hope and goosebumps.

Thank you Cher for what was definitely a memorable hour of my life.


“I have been extremely blessed to be touched by spirit through my conversations with Cher. 

I consider it an honour to be in Chers presence, she is so matter of fact and straight to the point about the messages she is giving to you. 

Seeing Cher for the very first time was was like being reunited with my very old friend. 

After my first experience with her I sent my  husband as he sat on the fence when it came to mediums alike, like most males I guess. 

In sharing my experience and he seeing how it effected me he went the next day and was left speechless as I was.

Since seeing Cher totally separately over a weekend it became one of the most  rewarding experiences that has entered our house in such a long time.

My husband and I both agreed that we felt weights lifted in our lives, we felt like we have gone through a counselling session with another party giving us kick up the bum to get our mojo back, we reconnected in communication having things to talk about again  sharing so many thoughts, feelings and emotions….the doors have been reopened.

From a personal level I feel completely eternally grateful. 

I sat silent and listened to Cher play out my life as though it was on a movie reel. 

I was blessed to have spiritual figures in my life to be present with no hesitation who they were with the messages Cher revealed from them to me.

I have been able to close doors in my personal life which were quite hard for me to do but seeing acceptance of these situations has enabled me to do so with peace.

I have answers of life questions which Cher brought to me unknowingly as I sat and listened.

This made me see why my life has taken so many twists and turns, confirming my everyday traits which were wiccan practises which i was doing without realization,  memories I thought were just dreams but in fact were my past lives, all this coming to ahead answered so much for me.

Being granted my yearning of knowing some of my past life details, provided  me with mixed feelings of  happiness and great sorrow but definitely one of pure empowerment.

Cher has granted me to see my spiritual world once again and has made me feel like the confident woman I once was flourishing again in life.

I am grateful for my time spent with Cher and will continue to do so throughout the course of my life.

Blessed Be Gabriella”