Majick is your heart
Majick is your soul
Majick is your truth
Majick is you
Majick is your heart
Majick is your soul
Majick is your truth
Majick is you
The Wiccan Witches Circle (Resumes in 2025)
The Wiccan Witches Circle will honour your craft. Creating your majick within your majickal castle your spirit. Your life your realm.
Majick comes from within , its our connection to our truth culture and spirit.
The crafting circles will guide you to your majick:
- Wicca Teachings
- Witchcrafting
- Spells & Incantations
- Creating a Majickal Castle
- Circles
And so much more.
Let’s create miracles and awaken your majick .
The Wiccan Witches Circle will connect you with your own spirituality with heart focused intention and transformation. Calling us to be our true selves acceptance of who we really are.
The goddess (moon) liberates us from the darkness and opens the way to the bare landscape of rebirth.
Let’s create the majick of you wholeheartedly, tend to your fire of transformation, manifest , heal, honour your spirit. To follow your dreams honouring your path. To feel Mother Earth and all elements. We are all majickal and have the gifts innately to our psychic and are able to connect to spirit.
Honour your path through the Wiccan Witches Circle.
As above so below we bide the Wiccan Witches Rede. In perfect love and perfect trust no harm done to none nor me.
Blessed be
The Wiccan Witches Circle
Has anyone called you a Witch? Have you an interest in Wiccan Witchcraft? Have you and interest in nature? Have you an interest in crystals? Have you an interest in spells? Have you an interest in herbs? Have you an interest in candles ? Have you an interest or connection with the moon? Have you an interest in Altars? Have you an interest in Majick? Have you ever been wondering what Wicca is? Have you ever wondering how you know things? Have you wondered why you stand in your truth and see the truth in others? Have you ever wondered why you”re unique?
These circles crafted by Cher are Majickal Zoom Circles for the Majick of You.
I am going to talk about Witchcraft
I am going to talk about Wicca.
I am going to talk about crystals.
I am going to be talking about spells.
I am going to talk about herbs.
I am going to talk about candles.
I am going to talk about all of the Majick and so much more.
Wherever you are on your journey or interested in the craft sign up fly on your besom (broomstick) to The Wiccan Witches Circle.
JOIN THE COVEN. Blessed Be 🌛🌕🌜