The Majick of Manifesting and a little Wicca Witchcraft

Its not about pointy hats, frogs, cauldrons and spells, for the biggest fear is fear of the unknown and what people don’t understand.

I want to talk about the Majick of manifesting today. For those who don’t know me I am Cher Slatyer Psychic Medium Wiccan Witch.

I was born into wicca witchcraft as both my parents were and are witches. In fact, my dad bless him way before his time was a wiccan witch and communicated with spirit. I too am the essence of my parents and communicate connect with spirit my whole life. And my father was a big manifester as am I.

The goddess (moon) is waxing gibbous as she draws closer to shining her whole light becoming full. Remember to trust your intention will be released in perfect form and in perfect timing for you. Continue to take action as the waxing of her is not yet complete.

As a Wiccan Witch I use my Majick, abide by my wiccan rede where we harm none ( if you wish to check out my witches rede it’s on my website, we move with the earth not on it, we not only follow the goddess (moon) Luna cycles but we feel her, we feel her energy, we manifest , create, create spells do our rituals , release, heal, we embrace the power of the goddess (moon) Majick and use the energy of the Luna cycles to enhance all of this.

Just briefly on spells and rituals as a wiccan we create and perform spells only for ourselves and do not perform spells, rituals or manifest any harm on anyone else.

We bide the wiccan rede “in perfect love and perfect trust and bide the law of three no harm done to none nor me” and once again that maybe found on my website

The goddess (moon) illumination is growing, and so are you. To manifest visualise your intention that you have set coming to fruition, use all of your senses while doing this so to make it as real as possible. Have the confidence within yourself that it continues to increase – use this time for personal growth and self-discovery.

Your actions will and are aligning with your intentions.

I manifest on a daily basis and you can too, and you can have what you desire if it’s in your highest good and created from pure unconditional love with that intent. I briefly touched on this last week about scribing (writing) your dreams which is manifesting. Scribing your hopes, wishes in a journal and placing these in the goddess.

You may manifest anything your heart desires and wants, as long is it is for your highest good.

So, ask yourself what truly makes you happy, what brings you joy. What is right now and in my future that will make my heart, my spirit, my soul, my being and all of me truly happy. Happiness and peace that I may never had before.

Everyone has the ability innately to manifest anything their heart desires if it’s for your highest good as determined by spirit and the universe. It will happen in divine timing. If spirit, source and the universe believe it’s for your highest good.

As I am a Wiccan Witch Psychic Medium, I work energetically which is sending out to the universe and beyond. I believe everything we write, type, publish, feel, speak think goes out to the universe and comes back threefold.

What you are search for is searching for you. The more connected and in harmony you are with the Majick of you the more your realm becomes Majickal.

I am a forensic medium gothic wiccan witch that has enhanced my craft to achieve the elevation of my bliss.

So, blessed be.

Create the Majick which is the Majick of you. If you would like me to craft with you the Majick of you, for there will be the Majick
Of you and the first step which is the most empowering. Visit my website and schedule a reading with me.

Beautiful blessings and much love to you so mote it be.

Blessed be
